CCO News

July 10, 2020

Chengyue successfully defends her dissertation

Chengyue Wu successfully defended her dissertation, “Characterizing Patient-specific Tumor-associated Vasculature and Hemodynamics via Quantitative MRI” on July 10th.   Check out her work here:
July 9, 2020

Congratulations Hayden!

Hayden Lydick has recently graduated in the first class of the BSEBME/MSE program. He completed the degree program with a thesis titled, “Effects of biopsy clips […]
July 1, 2020

Manasa Gadde begins new role at SageMedic

Manasa will be starting a new role as a cancer bioengineering scientist at SageMedic in Redwood City, CA. She will be working with a group of […]
June 24, 2020
MD Anderson and UT Austin Create Unique Data-Driven Collaboration to Eliminate Cancer Using Novel Mathematical and Computational Approaches