Kaitlyn Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson joined the Center for Computational Oncology in the fall of 2016. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin working in the lab of Dr. Amy Brock. Kaitlyn completed her undergraduate studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. where she received her bachelors in biophysics and a minor in chemistry, which provided her with a solid background in applying quantitative methods to the life sciences and an interest in applying principles of the physical sciences to medical applications, specifically in oncology. Kaitlyn’s research focuses broadly on using mathematical modeling of tumor growth and drug response dynamics to test hypotheses about how cancer grows and responds to treatment in different environmental conditions. She is interested in applying ecological principles that describe and predict how species interact and populations grow to investigate alternate hypothesis of early stage cancer cell growth relevant to tumor initiation and metastasis using a combined experimental and computational approach to quantify growth dynamics at low cell densities. Outside of the lab, Kaitlyn enjoys running competitively, listening to live music, traveling with friends and family, and eating ice cream